"*" indicates required fields Donation InformationI am registering for a Donation of:*Select a valueLead Program Sponsor – $50,000Lead Scholarship Sponsor – $25,000Grand Slam Sponsor/Supporter – $5,000Home Run Sponsor/Supporter – $2,500Triple Sponsor/Supporter – $1,000Double Sponsor/Supporter – $500Single Sponsor/Supporter – $250Supporter – $100Friend – $50Sponsor – $25Other AmountDonation Amount:* Registrant InformationName* First Last Email* Phone*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code How Did You Hear About Us?* Notes And CommentsPlease enter notes for special circumstances or comments to our staff here.How did you hear about us?Payment InformationYour Contribution Credit Card*Card Details Cardholder Name Registration AgreementDISCLAIMER: BE THE BEST SPORT, INC. (“THE CLUB”) AND ITS EMPLOYEES ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, OR LOSS OF PROPERTY TO ANY PERSON SUFFERED WHILE PARTICIPATING IN A BE THE BEST SPORT, INC. PROGRAM AND ITS FACILITIES FOR ANY REASON INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE UTILIZATION OF ANY EQUIPMENT OR THE PLAYING, PRACTICING OR SPECTATING OF ANY ACTIVITY OCCURRING IN A BE THE BEST SPORT, INC PROGRAM. In considering my participation in a BE THE BEST SPORT, INC. program I hereby release and covenant not to sue BE THE BEST SPORT, INC. its officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, and lessees from any and all present and future claims resulting from ordinary negligence and inherent risk of use of the facilities and equipment BE THE BEST SPORT, INC. including but not limited to any loss, injury, damage, or liability sustained by me or my child while in a BE THE BEST SPORT, INC. program. I am fully aware and understand that BE THE BEST SPORT, INC. does not have on or employ or contract with any medical services, provisions for ordinary or emergency services including but not limited to emergency cardiovascular assistance. I am fully aware and understand that such losses, injury, disability, or death may result from the actions, inactions or negligence on my child’s part, on the part of the club, on the part of others, the rules of play, or the condition of the club’s premises and equipment. I agree that immediately prior to participating in any BE THE BEST SPORT, INC. program or activity I will inspect the facilities and equipment to be used and if any defect is apparent, I or my child will not use the facility or equipment and I will notify the management of the club/facility of the defect. I further agree that if I am not knowledgeable in the proper use of the club’s facilities or equipment I or my child will obtain proper instruction for the correct use of such facility or equipment from a qualified individual before I or my child will use the facility or equipment. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless BE THE BEST SPORT, INC. its officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, and lessees for any and all claims arising from my involvement in or receiving instruction. I assume all the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for any damages and loss of property, injury, permanent disability or death resulting there from I HAVE FULLY READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING THE WAIVER, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND SIGN VOLUNTARILY. Talent release form for minors Video/Photo/Audio Consent Form I, the undersigned, do hereby consent to the use by Be The Best Sport of the image, voice, or both of the minor child under the age of 18 described below, in (1) the video, photograph, or audio recording described below; and (2) any video, photograph, or audio recording reproduced either in whole or in part from the video, photograph or audio recording described below: regardless of whether these materials are used for marketing, advertising, publicity, or any other purpose on behalf of either Be The Best Sport. I warrant that I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor described below and have the full right and authority to grant this consent on behalf of such minor. In addition, I waive all claims to compensation or damages based on the use of such minor’s image or voice, or both, by either Be The Best Sport. I also waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photograph or video or audio recording. I understand that this consent is perpetual, that I may not revoke it, and that it is binding on the minor, our heirs and assigns. I warrant that I am at least 18 years of age and that I am competent in my own name insofar as this consent is concerned. I further attest that I have read this consent form and fully understand its contents. Description of video, photograph, or audio recording: Be The Best Sport Marketing Video/Photo Shoot. By registering, you also agree to receive emails from Be The Best Sport.You need to check the input box to accept Terms & Conditions:* I accept the terms & conditions.
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